15 ways to improve english
Tuesday, 24 January 2012 | 1/24/2012 10:37:00 pm | 0 Rain[s]
hey guys ! 2 hari lepas yana pergi klas tuisyen BI . kat ILMU STUDIO . - FREE BEB - haha . best gilerr . tenkx a lot to CIKGU VENN (n_n) . S H A R I N G I S C A R I N G R I T E ? huahua~~ . first , yana blajar 15 WAYS TO IMPROVE ENGLISH . haaaaa . nie bagusssss nieh utk kite . no no no jgn kate boring kay . nie DEMI MASE DEPAN KORANK . (ececeyh) . meyh kite tgk meyh ape yg yana dpt . here it is :)
1. watch malay movies with english subtittle .
2. watch english movies with malay subtittle .
3. write a blog / diary in english .
4. watch journey / blog / diary .
5. listen to english songs .
6. sing along to english songs .
7. search online in english .
8. read a book that you have read in malay .
9. read a book with a lot of dialogue .
10. read english comics .
11. read english newspaper .
12. chat in english [use complete words] .
13. send SMS in english .
14. download EBOOK and listen while reading .
15. listen to radio - english channel .
it look like easy rite ? so , semangat x nk bljr BI ?
p/s : yana just nk share ape yana dpt taww ^__^
♥ xoxo (: